Thursday, August 24, 2017

Reading to Writing Goes Vice Versa

What is the most important skill you want your child to learn?


Most new parents will immediately think of reading and writing. In fact, parents of toddlers spend the formative years of their child fretting about how to teach their child to read and write as soon as possible.

The anxiety is justified as reading and writing skills dictate the future academic performance of a child. It can lead to difficulties in reading and be expressing the language in the future.

No wonder so many techniques for teaching children to read have come into play. Some focus the attention on teaching the alphabets and their sounds while others make the whole word important. Therefore, the former is all about phonics while the latter uses flash cards to increase children’s familiarity with different words.

However, none of the popular reading techniques emphasize writing skills per se. In fact, writing comes into the picture later as it is assumed that a child will slowly transition to being able to write once he can read.

But at the moment we are on the cusp of a mini revolution as the Ziff method turns the reading techniques on their head by first teaching the toddlers to write. The focus is never on teaching reading skills, but the best part is that the children learn to read very quickly and very well at that.

Therefore, Ziff Technique ‘From Writing to Reading’ emerges as both the best way to teach reading and the best way to teach writing too!